How Can I Tell if My Supplement is Working?
The average adult requires 13 essential vitamins and 15 essential minerals for their body to gain all the benefits it needs to function properly. Most people who suffer from autoimmune diseases, i.e., diabetes, fibromyalgia, etc., often suffer from mild to extreme deficiencies in these essential vitamins and minerals. Therefore, they must get them from the foods they eat and from dietary supplements like NeuropAWAY®.
Essential vitamins and minerals play many vital roles in your health. They set off chemical reactions in your body that drives cell and tissue growth, and they are involved in every bodily function literally from your head to your toes—from your brain, heart, bones and muscles to everything in between. NeuropAWAY® was specifically formulated to support nerve health.
A deficiency in any of these essential vitamins and minerals can lead to a variety of health problems, including depression, anemia and a weakened immune system which could leave you susceptible to all kinds of illnesses. Sometimes the problem isn’t that you’re not getting enough essential nutrients, but that your body is not absorbing them properly. This can happen for a number of different reasons such as obesity or not getting enough of certain vitamins or minerals that aid in the absorption of other vitamins. For instance, vitamin C helps you absorb iron more efficiently, so it’s always best to combine iron-rich and vitamin C-rich foods in your meals. Also, certain medications can cause a deficiency in some vitamins and minerals. For example, Metformin has been linked to vitamin B-12 deficiency which causes neuropathy.
NeuropAWAY®’s key ingredients work synergistically to boost the bioavailability of the essential vitamins and minerals that support healthy nerves.
So, the question remains, “How can you tell if your supplements are working?” Unfortunately, there isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” answer to this question because everyone’s biochemistry is different. Plus, many other factors come into play when it comes to a person’s health and nutrition. Such factors as age, weight, medical history, physical fitness, metabolism, dietary habits, medications being taken, hormonal balance, etc., all affect how each person’s body absorbs, stores and utilizes nutrients.
However, if you are suffering from neuropathy, or are experiencing any of the tell-tale signs such as a tingling feeling or numbness in your hands and/or feet and possibly other parts of your body, this could indicate that you aren’t getting the proper nutrition and benefits of vitamins you need. So, add plenty of vitamin B-rich foods to your diet including spinach, asparagus, beets, pinto beans, black beans, kidney beans, lima beans, eggs, clams, oysters, and poultry.